Duca pipes

Online Sale Duca Pipes - Bollitopipe

My passion for the pipe was born in 1990, the year in which I purchased a "Dublin", and in which I became passionate about these wonderful objects. After a few smokes, the idea of ​​being able to build one according to my personal tastes began to dawn on me. Having found the necessary materials, I went to my uncle's carpentry workshop, where I had been working in the summer since the age of 14: of course, the results were not exactly the best but an ever stronger passion for briar was born in me. , which fascinated me more and more, a real hobby that over time led me to refine the techniques, visiting artisans' workshops, sawmills and pipe retailers, up until today, where in my free time, when my main job allows me , I design and carve models according to the inspiration of the moment.Massimiliano RimensiI chose both the name "Duca pipe" and the grades of the latter, with reference to my city, Ferrara, of medieval/Renaissance origin.The materials I use are first quality starting from the briar, which I choose in different regions of Italy and which I season personally and according to strict criteria for at least 2 or 3 years. Precisely because of my artistic nature, I love to experiment with all possible materials: ebonite, methacrylate, horn and bone of various types, olive tree, boxwood, rosewood, both black and white bamboo, amboina, tulip wood and other exotic woods, of which I try to increasingly enhance its potential with particular processes. I am therefore always looking for new aesthetic and functional solutions, which combine the study of forms and experimentalism, innovation and harmony. I really appreciate receiving comments from those who smoke one of my pipes to understand the needs of the individual smoker: precisely because my pipe, as well as an artistic object, wants to be an object that can fully exploit the qualities of the briar, totally satisfying those who use it . Again for this reason, over time, I have personally developed various measures which are aimed at improving smoking, first of all avoiding the formation of drizzle and humidity and which aim to obtain perfect combustion of the tobacco in the bowl. I owe thanks to Gabriele Dal Fiume, staunch promoter of the relaunch of the Italian pipe, which in my opinion has been underestimated for too long. From this friend and skilled craftsman I was able to draw invaluable advice to start my business, then developing my personal construction techniques. Another hobby of mine is airbrush painting using acrylic tempera or watercolour.... ..all always accompanied by a good pinch of Golden Virginia, which I particularly love!

Look at our selection of Duca Pipes, Bollitopipe.com thanks to its experience of over 65 years in the world of pipes, selects only the best for its customers.