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  • With the energy of a pipe, Rita Pavone in space
    With the energy of a pipe, Rita Pavone in space

    The Pipe Club, October 1969. In the various treatises on the pipe, recently published, we have noticed a particular tendency to examine the intrinsic values ​​of the pipe and its relationships with the person who derives enjoyment from its use. This attraction system (undoubtedly very romantic and pleasant) is, however, inadequate with the recent technological and scientific development of modern civilization. Ultimately, current knowledge offers us new directions to study the pipe in depth,...

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  • How to pipe at the cinema
    How to pipe at the cinema

    But how can you pipe in peace at the cinema. Don't people protest? No, people don't say anything. In many years, I have never felt a protest behind me. There is a reason and it is this. First of all, I avoid lighting in the room: this detail is very important. The ignition cloud can bother anyone, especially if the tobacco is too aromatic. Listen to how I do it: before entering I perform the ritual of the two matches and make sure that the embers are homogeneous and the draft is perfect...

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  • The Pipe Club, July 1966: Alberto Testa
    The Pipe Club, July 1966: Alberto Testa

    A song dedicated to the pipe It was sung by Mina during the show "Studio Uno". We sent Luttazzi an evening pipe for the singer. In the «Studio Uno» television programs broadcast on 8 and 25 June, Mina dedicated a song to all pipe smokers entitled “Taratattattattà-tararatta-tà”, by Alberto Testa. Needless to say, our beautiful singer interpreted it with the usual temperament that earned her success. Who doesn't know Mina? We think no one, so great is his popularity. Thus, thanks to her (and...

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  • The pipe was acquitted in the tobacco trial
    The pipe was acquitted in the tobacco trial

    London, October, 1965 Pipe tobacco was fully acquitted in the great trial which saw it in the dock together with cigarettes and cigars. The injured party in this case was all of humanity. Even the cigars were acquitted while the cigarette was convicted of murder...

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  • I like doing Maigret: I have to smoke a pipe
    I like doing Maigret: I have to smoke a pipe

    Rome, December 1965 Maigret's pipe returns to television: and it returns, naturally, held between the lips of Gino Cervi, who is preparing to bring to the small screen a new series of episodes taken from Simenon, and centered on the figure of the very popular commissioner. An obviously expected return, considering the very high approval rating

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  • Tony Dallara defends his tonsils
    Tony Dallara defends his tonsils

    Obviously, he does it while smoking a pipe: which also serves him (he says) to increase his charm as a modern heartthrob. Club della Pipa, April/May, 1966. Starting from this issue, our collaborator Giorgio Colarossi - who as you know is in close contact with the world of entertainment - begins a new column, dedicated

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  • The Pipe Club, July 1966: Enzo Tortora
    The Pipe Club, July 1966: Enzo Tortora

    Il The second "character" that our Giorgio Colarossi interviewed for the small gallery of artists who have "a treasure in their voice" (and also defend it by preferring the pipe to the temptation of cigarettes) is one of the best and most prepared presenters of Television: Enzo Tortora. Here is the graceful portrait that emergedsecondo « personaggio » che il nostro Giorgio Colarossi ha intervistato per la piccola galleria degli artisti che hanno «un tesoro nella voce» (e lo difendono, anche,...

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  • Nando Gazzolo confesses his hobby
    Nando Gazzolo confesses his hobby

    He is exactly as you have always seen him on television (especially) or at the cinema or in the theater: calm, detached, phlegmatic, calm, with his laughter tinged with a thread of irony. Far from absent, however, in fact very ready to seize on the slightest hook, especially if it contains a bit of humor, in every conversation. Nando Gazzolo, an authentic "golden voice" in the world of our entertainment, does not play at being English, he does not pose: this is how he is and this is how he...

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Showing 17 to 24 of 40 (5 Pages)