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  • Sherlock Holmes' Calabash
    Sherlock Holmes' Calabash

    The Pipe Club - n° 4 - July 1969. Dear editor, as an old, fond reader of the adventures of Sherlock Holmes, I address the author of "The pipe superman in England too" (which appeared in number 2 of this year) a question: I would like to know in which of the policeman's adventures is it stated by Conan Doyle that the pipe...

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  • Casanova's pipe
    Casanova's pipe

    The Pipe Club, October 1969. Leafing through old books, I came across the now ancient original French edition of Casanova's memoirs and I caught my eye on that chapter which tells how, in 1744 from Corfu, where he banner of the troops in the pay of Venice, the author made a trip to...

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  • Tobacco

    How much of the pleasure of smoking depends on the pipe and how much on tobacco? Difficult to answer. How difficult it is to give advice in a matter so tied to individual tastes.

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  • The shapes of the pipe
  • Gli Accessori
    Gli Accessori

    The pipe cleaner It is also called pipe cleaner or tamper. Indispensable accessory, it has three functions: press the tobacco during combustion to regulate the draft; clean and unblock the torch, lighten an overly compressed charge; remove ash and tobacco residue after smoking.

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  • Come on, smoke a pipe
    Come on, smoke a pipe
    1 Comment

    Another legend It's the difficulty of running in. Nothing is true, you can get a good pipe and smoke it straight away. It will give its best after some time (and some care). A new pipe does not need any preparation. It is wrong to use alcohol. The first few times you can only fill the pipe partially; it is better to do a loose charge anyway. The important thing is that the charcoal "shirt" gradually forms inside the stove and that this crust also covers the bottom.

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  • The pipe, how it is made, how to choose it
    The pipe, how it is made, how to choose it

    The modern pipe There have been, and in part there still are, pipes made of iron, ceramic, glass, plaster (clay), sea foam, stone, terracotta, various woods (morello cherry, walnut, rosewood , olive, boxwood). Today's pipe, the modern pipe, is made of briar. It is she who we are dealing with here. The raw material The briar used for the pipes is an outgrowth (log) of the root system of a shrub typical of the Mediterranean scrub, Erica Arborea. It forms underground (but is not a root) taking a...

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  • The structure of the pipe
    The structure of the pipe

    Smoking a pipe is easy; and it is also beautiful, healthy, young, ecological. It is creative smoking, not monotonous and mechanical like the cigarette. These few words give some essential technical information, suggest some ideas. But then everyone invents the pipe to his own size and according to his own creativity. Your pipe is the way you want it or make it. The pipe is also freedom.

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