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  • The pipe was acquitted in the tobacco trial
    The pipe was acquitted in the tobacco trial

    London, October, 1965 Pipe tobacco was fully acquitted in the great trial which saw it in the dock together with cigarettes and cigars. The injured party in this case was all of humanity. Even the cigars were acquitted while the cigarette was convicted of murder...

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  • I like doing Maigret: I have to smoke a pipe
    I like doing Maigret: I have to smoke a pipe

    Rome, December 1965 Maigret's pipe returns to television: and it returns, naturally, held between the lips of Gino Cervi, who is preparing to bring to the small screen a new series of episodes taken from Simenon, and centered on the figure of the very popular commissioner. An obviously expected return, considering the very high approval rating

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  • Tony Dallara defends his tonsils
    Tony Dallara defends his tonsils

    Obviously, he does it while smoking a pipe: which also serves him (he says) to increase his charm as a modern heartthrob. Club della Pipa, April/May, 1966. Starting from this issue, our collaborator Giorgio Colarossi - who as you know is in close contact with the world of entertainment - begins a new column, dedicated

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  • The Pipe Club, July 1966: Enzo Tortora
    The Pipe Club, July 1966: Enzo Tortora

    Il The second "character" that our Giorgio Colarossi interviewed for the small gallery of artists who have "a treasure in their voice" (and also defend it by preferring the pipe to the temptation of cigarettes) is one of the best and most prepared presenters of Television: Enzo Tortora. Here is the graceful portrait that emergedsecondo « personaggio » che il nostro Giorgio Colarossi ha intervistato per la piccola galleria degli artisti che hanno «un tesoro nella voce» (e lo difendono, anche,...

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  • Nando Gazzolo confesses his hobby
    Nando Gazzolo confesses his hobby

    He is exactly as you have always seen him on television (especially) or at the cinema or in the theater: calm, detached, phlegmatic, calm, with his laughter tinged with a thread of irony. Far from absent, however, in fact very ready to seize on the slightest hook, especially if it contains a bit of humor, in every conversation. Nando Gazzolo, an authentic "golden voice" in the world of our entertainment, does not play at being English, he does not pose: this is how he is and this is how he...

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  • The real "joy" is between his pipes
    The real "joy" is between his pipes

    Meeting with Mike Bongiorno. De rigueur, in this gallery of characters, since he is an authentic star and a true pipe smoker. The meeting began in a studio at the Milan Fair, during the rehearsals of “Giochi in famiglia” and continued in an all too quiet restaurant. At work, Mike is tough, and you already know this, he thaws out during dinner, he talks willingly, but the relaxation is only apparent, you can understand it, the words and statements are weighed and controlled, even if the...

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  • It was the perfume that won Rachel over
    It was the perfume that won Rachel over

    Here we are, Mr. Rascel. And let's start from the beginning. So, obviously she also started smoking a pipe because cigarettes crack her voice and so it was necessary to remedy this...". "No. Just for nothing." We didn't expect this. The national "little guy" had kindly received me in the dressing room of the Milanese theater where he performed "The Odd Couple" with extraordinary success; he was as usual kind and affable; from the shelf of greasepaints and creams, wonderful "flamed" pipes...

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  • The bad became good
    The bad became good

    Who doesn't know him? He is Lee Van Cleef, the "bad guy" of Italian westerns. Pipe-smoking spectators will certainly not have missed the fact that the good actor always smokes a nice bent Peterson. After playing the role of the Colonel in the film “For a Few Dollars More” and Sergeant Sentenza in “The Bad, the Good and the Ugly”, ...

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Showing 9 to 16 of 29 (4 Pages)