List of products by brand Kiribi

The origins of Kiribi lie in the traditional Japanese practice of casting sparks upon a traveler’s back to bring fortune, ward off evil, and bless them on their journey. This practice harks back to the famous 8th-century legend of Prince Yamatotakeru, who was given a firestone and striker by his aunt that saved his life during perilous travels.

Every spark struck, whether for a pipe, a cigar, or a chance-met stranger’s cigarette, represents a small personal journey enriched with a touch of extra good fortune. Over time, the same simple tool kit used for traditional Kiribi became adopted by Japanese countryfolk to light their pipes, inspiring the creation of the Kiribi line.

Every action in life involves an important first igniting step, and enjoying a bowl from your favorite pipe is especially significant. Every spark struck, whether for a pipe or a cigar, or for a stranger’s cigarette met by chance, leads us on a small personal journey, enhanced by a bit of extra good fortune.